


1 / 10

1) Employment is crucial for social inclusion and economic participation

2 / 10

2) What are some challenges young people with disabilities face in accessing employment

3 / 10

3) Do customized co-design methodologies involve young people with disabilities in the design process of solutions?

4 / 10

4) Which of the following is NOT a benefit of customized co-design methodologies?

5 / 10

5) Customized co-design methodologies ensure that solutions are inclusive, accesible and

6 / 10

6) Which is a result of co-design methodologies through gaining new perspectives and insights into specific needs and challenges?

7 / 10

7) Can traditional design methodologies result in solutions that do not address specific needs and challenges of people with disabilities?

8 / 10

8) What is one key factor that customized co-design methodologies promote, which is crucial for employability?

9 / 10

9) By involving young people with disabilities in the design process, the resulting solutions are more effective and sustainable

10 / 10

10) Customized co-design methodologies address the _____ young people with disabilities face in accessing and maintaining employment

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