

Decision Making

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1) What is decision making?

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2) Decision making is only necessary in professional settings.

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3) Which of the following is the first step in making informed and thoughtful decisions?

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4) A decision-making matrix and a decision tree are essentially the same.

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5) What is a decision-making matrix?

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6) Gathering information is unnecessary if you are experienced in decision making.

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7) Reflecting on your decision is an optional step in the decision-making process.

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8) Cognitive biases generally lead to more rational decisions.

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9) What is the function of a decision tree in the decision-making process?

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10) What is a cognitive bias?

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11) Anchoring bias refers to giving undue importance to recent information.

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12) What is anchoring bias in decision-making?

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13) Which strategy supports individuals with disabilities in making decisions?

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14) Providing opportunities to practice making decisions can empower individuals

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15) Decision trees can be used to visualize the consequences of different decisions.

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16) How can technology assist in decision-making for individuals with disabilities?

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17) Does availability bias involve ignoring easily accessible information?

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18) Limiting opportunities to practice decision-making does not affect confidence and decision-making skills.

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19) Decision trees can be used to visualize the consequences of different decisions.

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20) What is the purpose of breaking down complex decisions into smaller steps?

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21) Encouraging questions can help improve decision-making skills.

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