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1) Analysis is :

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2) The term "Analysis" originates from

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3) A little test: If a doctor gives you 3 pills to take every half hour and it takes you half an hour to take each pill, how long does it take to take the pills?

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4) When analyzing a text, one should primarily focus on:

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5) Analysis involves breaking down complex information into simpler parts.

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6) Visualization plays a minor role in enhancing analytical capabilities.

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7) Skepticism is a necessary attribute for developing good analytical skills.

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8) Analysis is an independent skill that doesn't contribute to critical thinking.

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9) A little test: Janet, Eric, Marcus, Luke, Emmanuel, Andrew & Angela sit in this order in a row left to right. Janet changes places with Eric, and then Eric changes places with Marcus. Who is at the right end of the row?

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10) Critical thinking skills are irrelevant for employability.

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11) Attributes of thought necessary for developing analysis skills include:

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12) Analysis contributes to problem-solving by:

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13) The primary goal of analysis is:

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14) Analysis is:

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15) Analysis involves identifying patterns and relationships between components of information.

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16) Critical thinking skills are only beneficial in specific professions.

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17) Analysis and creativity are mutually exclusive skills.

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18) Analysis requires active engagement and curiosity.

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19) Visualization can play a significant role in simplifying complex concepts.

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20) A little test: The train leaves at 4.24pm. If there's traffic in the street, it can take up to 40 minutes to reach the train station. What is the latest time can leave your house and not miss the train?

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21) Last test: Identify the statement necessary to make this sentence true: Hundred soldiers went to the war.

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